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violetasimonz's Live Sex Show - Offline

violetasimonz is offline
Last online 1 day ago
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Violetasimonz's Bio
Violeta Simonz is a Colombian webcam model who is know for her fetish, anal, latina, feet, dildo, big tits, and toys. She is a passionate reader who loves to feel the heat of sex through words and her imagination.
About me
I am Violeta Simonz, I am 27 years old and I love to read, I am a person who is passionate about reading, I love reading erotic books, where I can feel all the pleasure of sex through words and my imagination. I love s, in fact I would like to have a to be able to rescue s from the street and give them a better life, I also like to spend time with my and with my loves on stripchat. I love my job and I love every second I spend with my users, you are very special to me I am a very beautiful and affectionate girl, I love when they show me a lot of affection and I also like ice cream and sweets. I love having sex, I am very naughty in bed and I can be the dominant one or I can be your dominated one. I love doing too many things during sex, but I'll leave that to your imagination.
Wish list
I want to have a car in the short term
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