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Lasofia's Live Sex Show

Lasofia Lasofia
platform Stripchat
views 11
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Lasofia's Bio
Lasofia is a transsexual cam model with a unique talent for recording high-quality public shows. Her slender body and exotic features make her a popular choice for those who want to watch a model perform in a way that is both intimate and exciting. She is also known for her playful approach to sex, and her willingness to do whatever it takes to make her fans happy.
Level 11 14 tk Low 3 sec
Lev 21524 tk Medim 6 sec
Lev 32529 tk Speed 12 sec
Lev 43049 tk Speed 15 sec
Lev 55079 tk ULTRA 20 sec
Lev 680129tk ULTRA 35 sec
Lev 7130199k ULTRA 70 sec
Lev 8200999 ULTRA 120 sec
Lev 91000 tkULTRA 560 sec
Lev 10 1500 CUM SHOW
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